We Have Children’s Services For Nursery Through 6Th Grade At The 10Am And 12Pm Services.
1St-6Th Graders Are Dropped Off At The Tooele Community Center Located At 102 N 7Th St In Tooele.
Preschool and Nusery will check in at the church campus.
6:30pm to 8:00pm
Weekly Prayer Service & Children Services
6:30pm to 8:00pm
Revolution Youth Services
New Life Christian Academy is in session Monday-Thursday. During this time our campus is closed to visitors.
Our staff is available to take phone calls Wednesday and thursday 10am-2Pm.
If you would like to drop off donations during this time, please place your donations in the bin that is placed in front of our garage door. Our team will be by shortly to collect them. We appreciate all of your donations of clothing, linens, hygiene products, and shelf stable foods. All of these items to back out to our community at no cost. Thank you for your generosity!
11am-4pm Accepting Phone Calls, Making Appointments & Accepting Donations